Tuesday, July 10, 2018



A Prayer

I offer my eyes to you
My Lord
Intoxicate them
With the charming visions of your world.

I offer my ears to you
My Lord
Infatuate them
With the melodious music of morning prayers.

I offer my limbs to you
My Lord
Strengthen them
With the desire to serve the helpless, poor in need.

I offer my mind to you
My Lord
Enlighten it
With the holy words of gospel to dispel mortal fears.

I offer my heart to you
My Lord
Conserve it
Load it with the fragrance of love for one and all.

I offer my life to you
My Lord
Consecrate it
Lead me beyond the dark lakes of pretentious faith.

Benign Silence

When I am sarcastically pinched,
“The silent is a fool
The mute is a moron
For strong sounds make the world move and obey.”
I look at Nature to reason it out,
The trees look supplicating at me
Their sounds resound in my mind,
“Is it your voice?”
I ask, they answer.

“Doubt not yourself as a fool or moron
Try to feel the benign silence of Nature;
Lo! Look at your garden, the plants, bushes and grass,
Every day you plunder their fruits, flowers,
Branches, leaves, twigs, roots
Even the sap in their veins
And the juice in their heart
But they neither shout nor roar
Humbly they tolerate the cut or the slash
Bowing their heads and hands in benign silence
Can’t you feel their pain, their joy?”

I complain,
“But they have no power to shout,
Maybe they are bereft of voice and courage.”
A whirr, a hiss, a slush follows.
The breeze softly caresses my cheek,
I hear the voice again,
“Come, sit here by my side
On your shadowy south balcony
Where the coconut trees
Have spread their fronds
Between the grills
To shake your hands
Or hold your fingers,
Don’t cut those fronds
Those are the palms which will silently bleed
But make no groaning sound,
Their compassionate fingers
Will re-enter your portal
Holding peace with your temper
Lips shut tight
Like the wise man’s.
Look at the Earth, the hills, dales, rivers
Silently they absorb the human greed, violence
See how the sun, moon, and the stars saunter around you
In harmony along the silent sky.”

An appeal echoed inside me
“Don’t slash this benign silence, man;
With the cudgel of your vanity and greed
Don’t slay the frogs and fishes, children,
With the swords of your violent streak,
Can’t you hear their silent groan?
That mocks our foolish wars of words.”

I made a promise to myself,
“In benign silence, shall I live?
Repair, recuperate and reform
What the others cut and clip,
So forgive me dear, my moronic silence
Peace and harmony is my mission,
Though foolish or dumb I may seem.”

Forgive Me Lord

Forgive me Lord
For sheltering my soul
On the anchor of greed
And sailing like a crazy mariner
Or a supercilious pirate
On the sacred ocean of this life.

Forgive me Lord
For wandering shamelessly
In the puzzling woods of fancy
Weaving webs of fantasy
With foppish images and fabricated tales
To express morbid emotions hidden or forbidden.

Forgive me Lord
For listening helplessly
To the litany of provocation
And yielding to intoxication
Drinking from the bottles of lust
And sleeping on the cushion of passion.

Forgive me Lord
For selling the wares of love
In the fallen Eden of this mall market
And pursue the phantoms of wealth and Adam
In the hope of playing glamour and game
And living like a dreadful apparition in Eve’s name.

Forgive me Lord
For dissenting your will
And questioning your existence
In hours of deflated ego and anguish
Like an agnostic hung on the poles of doubt
And for forgetting the wisdom of sacred texts
And the forbearance of the great sages like Job.

But forget me not, my Lord, My father
To protect me from the monsters of desire
To support me in the combat for faith
To lead me kindly on the path of truth
And forgive me when I blunder in wrath.

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DR.MRS. SUMITRA MISHRA: Researcher, scholar, writer Dr. Sumitra Mishra is a retired English Professor from Odisha, India. She taught English language and literature to postgraduate students in different colleges and universities in Odisha, India.  She has three published anthologies of English poetry titled “Penelope’s Web”, “Flames of Silence” and “The Soul of Fire”, two volumes of Odia poems and two volumes of Odia short stories to her credit.


  1. Enjoyed reading the poems of Sumitra Mishra. They express her genuine love for Nature and regards for the Creator, our Father. May her pen be blessed to bring forth more and more poems.

  2. True spiritual being! The entreaty to God is heart felt!
