Tuesday, July 10, 2018



The Invisible Hope

Crunches on the rails the horizon
And me nomad, on the street without any stops,
I'm hailing to never silent clouds
To grasp the invisible hope.
A strange racing
turned against
Yet I insist!
That  lost thread
Of my tangled bundle
Has lost the principle,
I keep a flap
Trapped in my back,
Twisted with doubt...
And I wait
that an expert hand distrives
The knots of the unnamed,
Destroying the "factory defect"
in order that it picks up the beauty
Of the imperfect plot.

L’invisibile speranza

Scricchiola sulle rotaie l’orizzonte
e io, nomade in viaggio senza soste,
m’inerpico a nuvole mai dome
per afferrare l’invisibile speranza.
Rocambolesca corsa
mi si ritorse contro,
eppure insisto!
Quel filo perduto
del mio ingarbugliato gomitolo
ha smarrito il principio,
ne serbo un lembo
intrappolato nella mia matassa,
attorcigliato al dubbio…
e attendo
che mano esperta sciolga
i nodi del non detto,
districando il non visto “difetto di fabbrica”
perché ne colga la bellezza
della trama imperfetta.

On Hold

I did not care about cowslips
Distracted by the poppy,
I stuck to the red of its petals
Without looking away.
I didn't move
Towards the violets,
Yet I had picked the perfume.
I stay here...
I'll wait for that sunflower
Which will always turn
In my direction
As I was
The only light of the day.

In attesa

Non badai alle primule.
distolta dal papavero,
m’inchiodai al rosso dei suoi petali
senza staccarne lo sguardo.
Non mossi i passi
verso le viole,
eppure ne avevo colto il profumo.
Resto qui…
Aspetterò quel girasole
che si volterà sempre
nella mia direzione
come s’io fossi
l’unica luce del giorno.

Though Fear Has More Arguments, You Choose Hope


Your goal
(dedicated to Giorgio Pagano, forced into a wheelchair)

Has a melodious voice
The sparrow without a wing,
Strength enough
The moose without a stage,
Agility for three
An athlete like you.
Necessity points the genius
so says an old adage
And I bore it
In front of the strenght of weak men,
fragiles under the weight of the cross
Randomly distributed
From genetic alterations
Or the blind fate
Which tomorrow could
Kiss me.
Your goal is the mine
Therefore it is twice its value
And you... the ultimate
Of a fake fate
You are full of mastery
Of this impervious roadway
with bumps ornated
in this ripid ascent which is your life.
Ditches and hollows,
Confused roundabouts,
Spiral staircases
And steep descent...
will wait for you.
Yet it is not in you
The obstacle to the goal
but in the conjunctive of the indifferent
And in the litany of the maybe and of if he could,
Found this... the wheels of a chair
will be your wings
And no path will be so steep
To prevent you from living really

“Anche se il timore ha più argomenti, tu scegli la speranza”


Il tuo traguardo
(dedicata a Giorgio Pagano, costretto su una sedia a rotelle)

Ha voce melodiosa
il passero senz’ala,
forza a sufficienza
l’alce senza un palco,
agilità per tre
un atleta come te.
Necessità aguzza l’ingegno
recita un vecchio adagio
ed io m’inchino
davanti alla forza dei fragili,
minuti sotto il peso della croce
disseminata a caso
da alterazioni genetiche
o dalla cieca sorte
che domani potrebbe
baciar me.
Il tuo traguardo è il mio
pertanto vale il doppio
e tu… ultimogenito
di un infausto fato
hai piena padronanza
di quest’impervia carreggiata
di dossi condita,
in quest’irta salita ch’è la tua vita.
Ti attenderanno certo
fossati e avvallamenti,
confuse rotatorie,
scale a chiocciola
e ripide discese...
eppure non è in te
l’ostacolo alla meta
ma nel congiuntivo degli indifferenti
e nelle litanie dei forse e i se potesse,
appurato ciò… le ruote di una sedia
saranno le tue ali
e nessun sentiero sarà così scosceso
da impedirti di vivere davvero.

Magic In The Astonishment

Between heaven and earth,
I pour coffees in a hospital hall
As if they were rosaries.
I review each page in the memory scanner.
I rescind all the lives of a lifetime
And I wait for a verdict which let me breathe.
In the darkness of this agony
Where I implore ultraterrene presences,
A small, unknown flame surprises me.
My soul, a sunflower of a body,
Never satellite of other bodies,
It draws strength from the glittering that it spreads.
And I waits for Christmas lights
Faces close and distant intermittently
In the dark thoughness of these slow hours.
Suspended as a child on the night of Eve
I enjoy better expectations
To be discarded
Because you are always oasis in the desert,
Magic in the astonishment.

Magia nello stupore

Tra cielo e terra,
sgrano caffè in una hall dell'ospedale
come fossero perle del rosario.
Rivedo ogni pagina nello scanner della memoria.
Rimpiango tutti i forse di una vita
e attendo un verdetto che mi dia respiro.
Nel buio fitto di questa agonia
ove imploro presenze ultraterrene,
una piccola ignota fiammella mi sorprende.
La mia anima, girasole di un corpo,
mai satellite di altri corpi,
trae forza dai bagliori ch'emana.
E attende come lucine di Natale
volti vicini e lontani a intermittenza
nel buio denso di queste ore lente.
Sospesa come bimba nella notte di vigilia
pregusta attese migliori
da scartare
perché tu sia  sempre oasi nel deserto,
magia nello stupore. .

I Am Theseus

I want to live the time of
Not heart
Rope for climbing thought.
Gagged every emotion
I try to unleash the ethics
And to give back bread for flakes
To my illusions.
I come to terms with the Minotaur
To coexist in his labyrinth.
I'm not in a hurry to find Arianna again.
I'm Theseus
And my cunning sleeps
Together with the heart.
A necessity goes back
From the deep  throats of my ego
to stay, to mirror myself in the Beast,
to recognize the angle of perfidy
In which he hosted me
And then abandon it
In the implicit balloon pattern
Which block my free walking.

Sono Teseo

Voglio abitare il tempo del
non cuore
fune per l'arrampicata del pensiero.
Imbavagliata ogni emozione
provo a dissotterrare l'etica
e a rendere pan per focaccia
alle illusioni.
Scendo a patti col Minotauro
per coabitare nel suo labirinto.
Non ho fretta di ritrovare Arianna.
Sono Teseo
e dorme la mia astuzia
assieme al cuore.
Una necessità risale
dalle gole sperdute del mio ego
restare, specchiarmi nella Bestia,
riconoscere l'angolo di perfidia
in cui mi ospitò
e poi abbandonarla
nel reticolo delle zavorre implicite
che ostruiscono il mio andare.


CLAUDIA PICCINNO was born in the south of Italy in1970, but she moved very young in the north of Italy where she currently lives and where she teaches in a primary school,  she is scholastic referent land for education at reading. Operating in more than eighty anthologies, even abroad (India, Malesia, Singapore, Turkey, China) she’s a former member of the jury in many national and international literary prizes. She has published. “La sfinge e il pierrot”, Aletti Editore, 2011. “Potando l’euforbia” in Transiti Diversi, Rupe Mutevole Edizioni, 2012. “Il soffitto, cortometraggi d’altrove”, La Lettera Scarlatta Edizioni, 2013. Ragnatele Cremisi”- La Lettera Scarlatta Edizioni, settembre 2015. “Ipotetico approdo”  versione bilingue italiano- inglese Mediagraph edizioni, ottobre 2017. With english version also “Il soffitto, cortometraggi d’altrove” La Lettera Scarlatta Edizioni maggio 2014- in serbian language “Tabahnha” ed.Majdah luglio 2014. In turkish & english language Tavan Baska Yerlerdeki Kisa Filmier,Artshop, Istanbul 2016. In Serbian language  “Grimizna Paucina” Alma editore, Belgrado, ottobre 2017. In french language  Pourpre toile d’araignée” Edilivre, Paris 2018 . In turkish & English language Karaya Cikma Hayali, Artshop, Istanbul 2018. She is author foreground with effect in June 2015 in the World Group Pentasi B, and In Oup archives international since May 2016, she works to promote poetry based on respect and appreciation of differences, she fights to prevent gender predjudices. She has received awards in major national and international competitions of poetry, including an honorable mention in the Paris 1st Word Literary Prize and a 3rd prize in Lugano, Switzerland, 3rd prize in Albania; She has been the first italian poetess to be awarded with The Stelae of Rosetta, World Literary Prize in Istanbul on November 2016. .She was conferred Pentasi awards in Ghana,and in India. Since February 2018 she was conferred honour aknowledgement as editorial member of Indian cultural centre Sahitya Anand ISSN2320-5075/UGC APPROVAL NO.64372 RNI REGISTRATION Mahmul2014/49894. She was conferred with the most prestigious award “World icon for peace” for Wip in Ondo city, Nigeria, on April 2017.” She was special guest for Europe at FemininIstanbul festival in October 2017. She was special guest at Belgrado Book Fair and at Matica,29 october 2017 . She was special guest for Italy in Istanbul Unesco Poetry Festival,20-23 march 2018.  Her poem "In Blue" is played on a majolica stele posted on the seafront in Santa Caterina di Nardo (Le). On June 2016, she was art director in an art & poetry international exhibition called June in Italy.She is italian editor for the international literary magazine Rosetta World Literatura in Turkey and for  Atunis Magazine in Albania. She usually writes for Oup archives, Setu literature magazineShe has also written numerous  critical essays or prefaces about other poets’ books. She has translated from English into italian language lots of authors. She lately got a gold medal for poetry at Lunigiana Center of Study about Dante Alighieri. She cooperates with her verses to some art catalogues.Her poems have been translated into Arabic, Spanish, Turkish, Serbian, French, Chinese, Hindi,Greek, Polish languages.


  1. Wonderful Works Poet Claudia! You are truly an inspiration and gift to the Poetry World. Barbara Suen
