Tuesday, July 10, 2018



Image In The Twilight

Let the tear of my dawn
To halt on your awakening.
In the white of a non-existence
The scorching loneliness
Strangles me as a punishment.
The twilight has your image,
Sick and heretical,
The treasure of a sad touch.
All the sounds seem to me a bazaar
Of naive concoctions,
A late aquisition,
Of the dream haunted by the dream.
The mirror of the rebel laughter
Announces me that the game is over,
into a harsh metaphysics
That amazes and smothers me.
I still want to remain
Just a feather
That flies with the breeze,
When,in my soaring,I ask a favor:
Let the tear of my dawn
To halt on your awakening.



Lasă-mi lacrima zorilor
să poposească pe trezirea ta.
În albul nefiinţei,
mistuitoarea singurătate
mă sugrumă ca o pedeapsă.
Asfinţirea are chipul tău
bolnav sau eretic,
comoară a tristei atingeri.
Toate sunetele îmi par un bâlci
al închipuirilor naive,
o achiziţie tardivă
a visului flagelat de vise.
Oglinda râsului rebel
îmi spune că jocul s-a isprăvit
într-o metafizică aspră
ce mă uimeşte,mă înăbuşă.
Vreau să rămân însă
fulgul dus de briză
când,plutind,te rog:
Lasă-mi lacrima zorilor
să poposească pe trezirea ta.

The Shore Of Wilderness
In the wilderness of thistles
The hope is smothered by roughness.
The wolves have laws of the pack
That never want to change this world.
In the whistling of the wind,
There are doubts and renunciations,
There are passions and battles,
Searchings and waste.
I need the shore of wilderness,
As much I need the field of freedom,
The desire for a primordial touch
And universal creation.



În sălbăticia mărăcinilor
nădejdea e sugrumată de asprime.
Fiarele au legi de haită
ce nu vor să schimbe lumea.
În şuierul vântului
sunt îndoieli şi renunţări,
sunt patimi şi lupte,
căutări şi risipă.
Vreau ţărmul sălbăticiunilor
ca pe-un ogor al libertăţii,
al dorinţei de primordial,
şi-al creaţiei totale.

My Dome
In my dome
Question marks stand
As stormtroopers ready
For marauders like you.
In fact,they defend me
From the answers
I wish to find
Because they are uttered
As a common and stupid
Wherein only
The end wins.
After that
There is a question
Still to come:



În domul meu
stau semne de-ntrebare
ostaşi solemni
pentru intruşi ca tine.
De fapt,ei mă apără
de răspunsurile
pe care la doresc.
Căci ele se rostesc
precum un accident banal
şi stupid
în care numai
sfârşitul învinge.
După el mai urmează totuşi
o întrebare:
„De ce?” 

There’ll Come A Time

There’ll come a time
When,watching the ashes of our own memories
We will show just a sympathetic smile
To all our vagaries and failures.
We will listen the symphony of sincerity,
The flight of all the days and nights
And these will be the same like our expectations.
With a withered smile on our faces
We will browse imaginary letters,
Sliding down to the arcanum’s world
Of burning embers and ice,
Of former and future victories.
                            There’ll come a time
                            When the words will die,
                            Replaced by our
                            Guilt-ridden delight
                            To return the same,
                            On the trail of our years.



Va veni o vreme
când privind cenuşa amintirilor
vom zâmbi înţelegători
capriciilor şi eşecurilor.
Vom asculta simfonia sincerităţii,
zborul zilelor şi nopţilor
şi ne vom contopi cu aşteptările.
Cu zâmbet ofilit
vom răsfoi scrisori imaginare,
alunecând într-o lume secretă
de jăratec şi gheaţă,
de foste şi viitoare împliniri.
                      Va veni o vreme.
                      când cuvintele vor muri,
                      lăsând locul bucuriei vinovate
                      de a ne întoarce aceiaşi
                      pe drumul anilor noştri.


NADIA-CELLA POP ,a prominent Romanian poetess. The most internationally awarded author in contemporary Romania. Born in Ariuşd,March 13,1948, she lives in Braşov.Master of Arts in Philosophy, ”Babeş-Bolyai”University, Cluj,1 973. Nadia-Cella Pop had published her first poems in France, 1980, in the poetry journal ”Presence” from Bordeaux. Her poems were also published in more than 70 popular journals and magazines edited in France, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Luxemburg, USA, Australia, Canada, India, China, Greece, Serbia, Brazil, Venezuela, Malta,Spain, Canaryslands, Poland, Cyprus, Ukraine, UK (more than 400 issues). Her works are also included in 39 international anthologies edited in France, Italy, Luxemburg, Australia, India, Mongolia Albania, Lebanon, China, Romania. Many of Nadia’s poems were translated into 20 languages: French, English, Greek, German, Polish, Chinese, Arabian, Russian, Portuguese, Bengali, Breton-Armoricain, Macedo-Romanian, Maltese, Esperanto, Spanish, Magyar,I talian, Albanian, Mongolian, Serbian. Nadia-Cella Pop had received 173 international literary awards for her poetry to date, in many countries: France, Italy, China, Belgium, Australia, Luxemburg, Germany, USA( only two in Romania). She published eight poetry books so far (two multilingual, ”The Lordship of the Word” and” Shipwrecks Delayed” with poems translated into 13 and 16 languages,one in English, ”Avalanche over Impossible”, translated by Dragoş Barbu). Four books in Romanian. Nadia’s academic honors are :Professor Honoris Causa, Int’l Academy of St.Lukas, Germany and Academical Knight,Int’l Academy of Greci-Marino,Academical Order of Verbano, Italy. In 1990 Nadia-Cella Pop has become Honorary Citizen of Saint Etienne City,France. In June 2017,a ”Best of Nadia-Cella Pop poetry collection” entitled ”Poezii” (Poems) was presented to the public.The book was entirely sponsored by His Excellency the Vice-President of the National Academy of Romania.

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